The tables in the classroom are covered with paper. You aren't supposed to write on the paper, but there were sentences like "We will miss you!", "I love you", and "Sorry for writing on the tables!" These are words of fellow students. Last words that didn't get a chance to be said, so here they are written.
Maybe it's because I know more people now but it seems like every year someone from my school dies. Yesterday it was a teacher. My art teacher. They say she died in her sleep. She did a lot for our school like art shows, events and more, and will be missed. I don't know if I'm numb or if it hasn't registered yet or what, because I'm not in despair, only a little sad when I think about it. Other people are affected more than I am. It's been a good class because I basically can do whatever art I want as long as I'm doing art, and I wonder what my class will look like for the rest of the year. I had a lot of freedom. For now, I'm just remembering the good times and I'm thankful that I got to have her as a teacher each year of High School.
She was a teacher for many years, and she was very active in the community so this affects a lot of people. She was a part of our school more than the brick and glass that form the buildings.