It seems like whenever someone finds out that you are into doing any element of Hip Hop, it doesn't matter whether you're the one who told them or not, they'll ask you to prove it. I'm not complaining, I think that's cool, it means you have to be ready. The other day before school someone found out that I am into hip hop dance (it's not something I'm pursuing but it's something that I enjoy, so that's why I keep it general). Actually, what was said about me was that "He's a breakdancer." Not true! Not quite. But when the other guy said, "show me a dance," I didn't argue, I just put on some headphones, played some LA Symphony and busted a move right there in the middle of the High School commons before school. I don't know how good it was, certainly nothing special, but no one was laughing or challenging me at the end of it.

A good sign.

The reason why I don't say that I'm a Bboy (the 'real' name for breakdancer), is because if I say that, then people get a picture in their head of someone spinning on their head. Plus, it would do injustice to call me that because I don't pursue it with all my will, I just dabble. Like on Friday, I went to the YMCA and asked someone in the dancing room there to teach me. I could've gotten intimidated because there are some really good dancers in there, but everyone starts somewhere. He was cool and taught me the six-step---something that I can practice and my first "real" Bboy move... unless popping counts. I'm still doing that at a slow speed but who knows? Maybe I'll start liking this as much as rapping.


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