On Having a Blog of Note

I've been blogging off and on for about 3 years and this was a surprise that I don't think you can prepare for. When I first saw that my site was a blog of note, I didn't know how to react, because I only created the Hip Hop Hunger website to promote a single event. I guess that shows how much a difference site design can make. In a semi-panic, I made a post explaining exactly what the site was and who I am, and then thanks to peoples' suggestions, I put a link in the upper-right of the blog so that people could donate to the charity WorldVision because I realized that a lot of people seeing the site would not be able to come to the event.

Also I think I did not react the best way I could have but being a blogger and an artist you could say that I wanted to connect with some people and address them and talk about myself, which doesn't really fit for the Hip Hop Hunger website, which is not supposed to be a blog, but a website for an event that is about something much bigger than me. So, I wanted to add something to the top of the welcome message to put the focus of that site back where it should be, which is that this event is for charity, specifically for hunger in Africa. Someone brought up some good points about food aid on the site at The Cause section. You can follow the conversation there. I tried to answer questions the best I could.

1 Comment:

  1. bel said...
    hiya it is great to see that young people take an interest in helping others i wish you all the luck, and hope you go far, maybe one day will see your work in the uk.

    feel free to drop in on my blogg when passing and be sure to keep updating so i can see how you go on


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